Bob Novak died today from complications of brain cancer which he valiantly fought for over a year. Acerbic, biting, incisive, and perceptive, he earned the sobriquet "The Prince of Darkness" from friends and foes who had to tangle with his journalistic greatness relentless drive, and absolute pursuit of truth. Others can document his professional accomplishments, but I have always been touched by the testimony he gave a few years ago about his conversion to the Catholic Church. His faith sustained him in his last days and gave even more purpose and meaning to his life.
In Barbara Matusow's Washingtonian interview of several years ago, she reported this about Mr. Novak's conversion:
Father C. John McCloskey III is an author and television personality who has revitalized the Catholic Information Center in Washington. "During Bob's baptism, I was looking out from where I was standing," says McCloskey, "and it looked like a Who's Who of political and journalistic Washington. I found it very moving--here were all his friends, seeing this adult come into grace, bowing his head to receive the sacramental waters of baptism. Many of them had tears in their eyes."
The ceremony, in May 1998, was mostly a solemn affair. In the course of it, Novak, then 67, was baptized, confirmed, and received his first Holy Communion. "It was an exhilarating experience," he says, "one of the great moments of my life. I thought I was in a different dimension."
The solemnity lifted for a moment when Monsignor Vaghi said how privileged they were to witness the transformation of the "prince of darkness" into a "child of light."
Paul Begala, liberal and disdainer of all things conservative, called Bob Novak a friend. In his commentary today, he writes, "In our innumerable debates, I delighted in calling Bob Novak "the finest mind of the 12th century." One time, though, he scowled and growled, 'I prefer the 15th century. Spanish Inquisition. Those were the days.'"
He used his talents for the good of America. May God grant him peace, light and joy.