Picture: Guardian Angel Succoring A Soul in Purgatory by Cecco de Carravagio.
The Feast of the Guardian Angels is October 2 and is sadly forgotten by many. This oversight is one of the reasons why I love Catholic Celtic Spirituality--a type of spirituality that will simply not let a person forget these important guardians of the soul. I found the above picture and I like it because it represents the angel's most important task, namely, the preservation of the soul. I have no doubt that my angel has protected me from many a physical harm, but the guardian angel's main purpose is to walk with me through life and help me stay on the path of light.
Here's a little prayer from the Celtic peoples of the Hebrides invoking the power of the guardian angel to protect them. Again, look at the robustness of this prayer--may we all pray with such strength!
O angel guardian of my right hand,
Attend thou me this night,
Rescue thou me in the battling floods,
Array me in thy linen, for I am naked,
Succour me, for I am feeble and forlorn.
Steer thou my coracle in the crooked eddies,
Guide thou my step in gap and in pit,
Guard thou me in the treacherous turnings,
And save thou me from the scaith of the wicked,
Save thou me from scaith this night.
Drive thou from me the taint of pollution,
Encompass thou me till Doom from evil;
O kindly Angel of my right hand,
Deliver thou me from the wicked this night,
Deliver thou me this night!
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